George Washington Today is the 281st birthday of George Washington, born February 22nd. His birthday has been celebrated ever since
In the last few days scientists studying the wreck of the H. L. Hunley have announced a new discovery that
During the time of the Civil War one of the most famous frontiersmen was Kit Carson. He left his home
Learn the story of George Whitefield, the preacher God used to change America forever though the Great Awakening. Featuring Pastor
Battle of Wilson’s Creek The Battle of Wilson’s Creek began at 5:30 a.m. when Lyon launched a surprise attack on
A clip of some video we shot at the 2011 New Market Reenactment.
Merrimack When Virginia seceded, the Gosport Navy Yard in Portsmouth, Virginia was abandoned by federal troops. The buildings and ships
Lowe In June, 1861, Thaddeus Lowe demonstrated hot air balloons to Lincoln for use in the military. Lowe was from New Hampshire,