The Horn family invites you to join us on our tour this year, where we will study the history of the Western Theater of the American Civil War. Beginning on September 1 we will travel from Wake Forest, NC to Tennessee, Mississippi and Georgia to study this oft-forgotten half of the country’s most devastating war. We will start by exploring the early history of Tennessee before diving into the war at Fort Donelson. There we will begin tracing the story and campaigns of men like Ulysses S. Grant, William Sherman, Joseph E. Johnston, and Braxton Bragg. Next we visit Shiloh, in whose bloody woods the Union army was nearly destroyed. We will then head to the historic city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, where the breastworks still remind us of the large siege that took place there. Then on to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where nestled in the Appalachian mountains is one of the most picturesque battlefields in the nation, overlooking the Tennessee River Valley. Finally, the tour will conclude at the Bennett Place in Durham, NC, where the largest number of Confederate troops was surrendered in the entire Civil War.
Dates – September 1-6, 2014
- 0-1: Free on lap
- 2-5: $160
- 6-11: $185
- 12-17: $215
- 18 and up: $225
Includes – Admission to all sites, round trip bus transportation, all breakfasts and lunches and one dinner.
Hotel – This year we will be in a different hotel each night, so we are simplifying registration and check in process. You will pay us for all the hotels beforehand, and we will handle all of the booking. It will be about $400 for one hotel room for the entire trip. A room can hold up to five people.
Logistics – The tour will go on the bus round trip from Wake Forest, NC. Luggage will be carried on the bus, one large suitcase per bus seat.

Subject to change
Opening Breakfast
Marble Springs – the Sevier Homestead
The Hermitage – President Andrew Jackson’s Home
Fort Donelson Battlefield
Shiloh Battlefield
Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center
Waverley Plantation
Vicksburg Courthouse
Vicksburg Battlefield
USS Cairo Ironclad
Tannehill Historical State Park
Chickamauga Battlefield
Lookout Mountain Battlefield
Chattanooga Battlefield
Bennett Place
Closing Lunch
You must prepay to reserve your seats. However, if you can let us know if you plan to come using the form below, it will help us in planning the logistics.