Weekly Video

How the Pilgrims Changed the World – Plymouth 400th Anniversary Video

We consider how God used the Pilgrims to change the world, and what we should learn from their example in…

4 years ago

Battle of Vitkov Hill – Triumph of the Hussites! (Video)

One of the most dramatic battles of the Middle Ages unfolds as Catholic Crusaders meet Protestant Hussites under Jan Zizka!

4 years ago

Jan Zizka – Warrior of the Hussites (Video)

Zizka is a incredible figure in military history - a one eyed Protestant warrior who formed the Czech peasants into…

4 years ago

Knights vs Tanks? – The Hussite War Wagons (Video)

Did you know that a precursor to tanks faced knights on medieval battlefields? The Hussite war wagons were a technological…

4 years ago

Crusades Against the Hussites! (Hussites Video Part 2)

How the Hussites turned from a religious movement to a militant force, under attack from a Catholic crusade.

4 years ago

The First Defenestration of Prague (Hussites Video Part 1)

How throwing someone out of a window began the Hussite wars

4 years ago

Jan Hus – Betrayed by the Emperor (Video Part 2)

In this second part of the story of the life of Jan Hus, hear how he grows in prominence, opposes…

4 years ago

Jan Hus – Saved By His Own Preaching (Video Part 1)

John Hus was an important Reformer in Bohemia, now the Czech Republic. Hear how God prepared the way through the…

4 years ago

How Ed Bearss Found the USS Cairo (Video)

The USS Cairo was a Union ironclad during the American Civil War, and was the first ship sunk by a…

5 years ago