
Joshua Janavel’s Muskets

The Waldenses suffered much persecution and faced opposition from all sides. They had to be well prepared to defend themselves.…

8 years ago

French Bible from the Reformation

This was one of the Bibles that the 'Poor of Lyon' (another name for the Waldensians) translated from Latin into…

8 years ago

The Casa Valdese

Today we are in Waldensian Country learning about the early Reformation. The Casa Valdese was and still is used as…

8 years ago

Where Michael Servetus was Condemned

This is the City Hall of Geneva, where the Unitarian Michael Servetus was sentenced to death. He came to Geneva…

8 years ago

The Reformation City of Geneva

Today we visited Geneva - which was a city of refuge in the Alps, to many Protestants fleeing persecution in…

8 years ago

Following Along on the Reformation 500 Tour!

Stay tuned over the next two weeks as we're on a tour/film shoot in Europe. We'll post pictures and stories…

8 years ago

Persecuting the Persecuted: How Voice of the Martyrs Funded Abuse of Nigerian Orphans Although this is outside the normal scope of Discerning History, we wanted to make our readers aware of this situation…

8 years ago

A Royal Palace in North Carolina

There's a remnant of royal splendor left in costal North Carolina - Tryon Palace, a reconstruction of the palace built…

8 years ago

The People of Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Although today, Great Smoky Mountains National Park is an uninhabited wilderness, when the land was being purchased in the 1920s…

8 years ago

Crossing the Proclamation Line

In 1763 the British set a line along the Appalacian Mountains, to the Wes of which was Indian territory into…

8 years ago