
A Tour of Geneva’s Reformation Wall

Join us as at the Reformation Wall as we discuss the Protestant Reformation in Geneva and political leaders who were…

9 years ago

Did Soviet Agents Help Plan Pearl Harbor?

Editor's Note: We welcome Taman Turbinton on the 74th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor to present his theory on Russian involvement…

9 years ago

The Myth of Mother Teresa’s Christian Heroism

9 years ago

Remembering the Battle of Britain

Today is Battle of Britain Day. Across Britain, Poland, France, Germany, Canada, America, and elsewhere, services of remembrance and commemoration…

9 years ago

The 16 Year Old General

If you were to find yourself on the outskirts of the small village of Crecy, France, on August 26 1346,…

9 years ago

Were the British “Lions Led by Donkeys?”

One of the most famous sayings to come out of the First World War was that the British infantrymen on…

9 years ago

Ulrich Zwingli’s Death at Kappel

Ulrich Zwingli is typically remembered as a reformer, leading the city of Zurich during the Protestant Reformation. However, he was…

9 years ago