Civil War

Colonel William Pegram: Lee’s Boy Artillerist

On June 29, 1841, a baby boy was born to the Pegram family in Richmond, Virginia. His parents named him…

4 months ago

Captain Sam Chapman: Mosby’s Fighting Parson

Along the banks of the Shenandoah River, in the beautiful Page Valley near Luray, Virginia, a baby boy was born…

5 months ago

The Insane Killer of John Wilkes Booth

We explore the closing days of the Civil War, when the victorious president Abraham Lincoln was struck down by the…

6 months ago

The Largest Confederate Surrender – Bennett Place, NC

The story of the largest surrender during the entire Civil War - after the famous surrender at Appomattox, Joseph E.…

8 months ago

Mary Custis Lee: Earth is Not Our Home

Mary Custis in 1830 It was a pleasant day in Lexington, Virginia.  All was going on as usual on the…

8 months ago

History of Juneteenth: The Holiday You’d Never Heard Of (Video)

Juneteenth is the US's newest holiday. Join us as we discuss its Civil War origins, and why it exploded in…

2 years ago

Recreating Civil War Bullets Fused in Midair

In this video Destin of Smarter Every Day attempts to recreate an amazing artifact in the Smithsonian Museum of two…

2 years ago

William Poague: A Storm of Grapeshot in the Wilderness

Pogue It was early dawn in the Wilderness. An eerie quiet pervaded the dim light of the morning. On the…

2 years ago

Is the New American Civil War Museum Ashamed of Their Artifacts?

The American Civil War Museum I’ve had the opportunity to go to quite a few history museums, and one of…

2 years ago

John Pelham: I Can Hold My Ground

The sun dawned slowly upon a grim scene.  It was December 13, 1862.  The rising sun painted the fog of…

4 years ago