
Photo Gallery of Chickamauga Battlefield

You can view all the photos on our Google+ album. They were taken during the production of our Victory of the…

11 years ago

Battle of Chickamauga

Today is the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Chickamauga, the greatest Confederate victory in the west, during the Civil…

11 years ago

John Brown’s Rifle

This Sharps rifle, one of two on display in the Smithsonian History Museum in Washington, DC, was carried by John…

11 years ago

Jackson’s Map of Chancellorsville

Jackson's map. Photo Credit. One of the greatest artifacts from the Battle of Chancellorsville is this rough map of the…

12 years ago

Weapons in the Governor’s Palace

Swords and pistols on the walls of the governor's palace in Williamsburg, VA. They showed the power and might of…

12 years ago

Williamsburg Governor’s Palace

Reconstruction of the palace of the royal governor in Wiliamsburg, Virginia. During colonial times it was the seat of royal…

12 years ago

Captain John Smith

The water front of Jamestown, Virginia, the first permanent English speaking settlement in the New World, is dominated by a…

12 years ago

Founding Fathers Papers The National Archives had recently put up a website with the papers of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams,…

12 years ago

Patrick Henry’s Advice to His Daughter

Patrick Henry, the orator of the Revolution, wrote this letter to his daughter Anne upon her marriage: My Dear Daughter— You have…

12 years ago

Samuel Davies Recruits a Regiment

One of the lesser known preachers of the Great Awakening on the 18th century was Samuel Davies. His main ministry…

12 years ago