John Huffman

John Huffman has given his life to the Gospel ministry and the advancement of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The son of a pastor, John preaches weekly, serving alongside his father. John also teaches Biblical languages with New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy.

Colonel William Pegram: Lee’s Boy Artillerist

On June 29, 1841, a baby boy was born to the Pegram family in Richmond, Virginia. His parents named him…

3 months ago

Captain Sam Chapman: Mosby’s Fighting Parson

Along the banks of the Shenandoah River, in the beautiful Page Valley near Luray, Virginia, a baby boy was born…

5 months ago

General Andrew Pickens: Ring Fight!

A tall and bronzed militia captain named Andrew Pickens led his scouts steadily forward to the unseen enemy. The captain…

5 months ago

Colonel James Gardiner: I Fear Sinning, but I do not Fear Fighting

Since the days of Joshua, Gideon, and David, the pages of history have been adorned with accounts of brave and…

9 months ago

Robert Jermaine Thomas: Korea is Opened to the Gospel

Thomas Robert Jermaine Thomas leaned on the rail of the ship to catch a glimpse of the land for which…

11 months ago

Myles Coverdale: Take These Words Into Thy Heart

Coverdale As William Tyndale, the courageous translator of the English Bible, was being bound to the stake on the morning…

12 months ago

William Poague: A Storm of Grapeshot in the Wilderness

Pogue It was early dawn in the Wilderness. An eerie quiet pervaded the dim light of the morning. On the…

2 years ago

Saint Jerome: Biblical Scholarship in Bethlehem

Jerome Four hundred years after the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, an aged monk named Jerome spent the final…

2 years ago

Paul Kruger – Never Give Up the Fight

A young Boer farmer named Paul Kruger took aim at a large rhinoceros.  Already, at the age of 20, Paul…

3 years ago

Gustavus Adolphus: The Lion of the North

  Early in the morning of November 6, 1632, a heavy morning mist hung over the fields around Lützen.  In…

3 years ago

Samuel Davies: Apostle to Virginia

A farmer and his young wife bowed low over the grave of their infant daughter.  Their tears fell softly as…

3 years ago

William Brewster: Patriarch of the Pilgrims

In a quiet English village named Scrooby, a group of believers met to observe the Lord’s Day.  There were no…

4 years ago