William Moore

William Moore is a Christian young man who lives in Toronto, Canada. He writes frequently at his blog,​ ​For Christ's Glory, commenting ​o​n subjects ranging from​ ​theology and​ ​history to​ ​music and​ ​film.

Why Operation Market Garden Failed – A Bridge Too Far

The plan was conceived by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, commander of the British forces in Europe. The success of the…

3 years ago

The Battle of Jutland: May 31 – June 1, 1916

One hundred years ago today, on May 31 - June 1, 1916, 151 British and 99 German ships-of-war participated in…

9 years ago

Conflict in Canada: French and British Hostilities in the New World

From the time that the land we now know as Canada was first discovered and settled, there have been many…

9 years ago

Remembering the Battle of Britain

Today is Battle of Britain Day. Across Britain, Poland, France, Germany, Canada, America, and elsewhere, services of remembrance and commemoration…

10 years ago