Discerning History

Continental Congress at the York Courthouse

When the British captured Philadelphia, Congress fled to York, PA, a rough frontier town. This is a reconstruction of the…

7 years ago

The Tallest Building in America

This building, Christ Church in Philadelphia, was the tallest building George Washington ever laid eyes on. When the steeple was…

7 years ago

Christ Church Baptismal Font

This baptismal font in Christ Church may be the oldest object in America continually used for the same purpose. William…

7 years ago

Franklin’s Library Chair

This chair was invented and used by Benjamin Franklin. The bottom flips up to become a step stool. This chair…

7 years ago

Membership Book of the American Philosophical Society

The first membership book of the American Philosophical Society. On this page you can spot the signatures of Franklin (the…

7 years ago

Neil Armstrong’s Transcript Correction

When Neil Armstrong visited the American Philosophical Society, he made a correction to their copy of the transcript of the…

7 years ago

18th Century Bible Vault

A Bible vault embedded in a solid stone wall at the Daniel Boone Homestead. It was built when the building…

7 years ago

Two Sleeps at Ephratha Cloister

At Ephratha Cloister the Brothers and Sisters were required to rise at midnight for a night service in the meeting…

7 years ago

Ephratha Cloister

In the 1700s an offshoot cult of the Brethren built the Ephrata Cloister where they waited for Christ's second coming.…

7 years ago

Benjamin Franklin’s Post Office

One of the many roles Benjamin Franklin played during his life was postmaster. He was a postmaster under the king,…

7 years ago

Franklin’s Glass Armonica

This is a Glass Armonica, invented by Benjamin Franklin. It was an instrument that made tones the same as when…

7 years ago

Escaping Solitary Confinement at Colditz (Video)

Get a look inside the solitary confinement at Colditz Castle, and hear about those who escaped from it! We highly…

7 years ago