Confederate Advanced into Missouri

14 years ago

Gen. Sterling Price After the Missouri State guard and Gov. Claiborne Jackson were forced into exile, the governor's office was…

Seven New Ironclads

14 years ago

James B. Eads Today the construction of seven new ironclads was approved by the United States government. Ironclads remained a…

Lincoln Confiscates the Slaves of the South

14 years ago

Lincoln Today, 150 years ago, Lincoln signed the First Confiscation Act into law. The Confiscation Act permitted the seizure of…

McClellan Takes Command of the Union Army

14 years ago

McClellan and his wife  With the defeat of the North at Bull Run, George B. McClellan replaced McDowell as commander…

Battle of Manassas 150th Reenactment

14 years ago

Last Saturday we traveled to Virginia to attend the 150th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of Manassas/Bull Run. With over…

Battle of Bull Run

14 years ago

Troops were moving before dawn on the morning of July 21st. Both of the armies on either side of Bull…

Covering the Battle of Bull Run

14 years ago

Stonewall Jackson at the 1961 Manassas reenactment Check back tomorrow for our coverage of the Battle of Bull Run, the first…

Preparations for Battle at Bull Run

14 years ago

The Positions of the armies on July 18th. This morning, General Johnston joined Beauregard's army along the Bull Run. He…

Battle of Blackburn’s Ford

14 years ago

Blackburn's Ford, taken in 1862 Today, the armies of McDowell and Beauregard first met along the banks of Bull Run.…

Johnston Moves to Join Beauregard

14 years ago

A Train on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad On July 17th, Johnston 's troops in the Shenandoah Valley were ordered…