
“Many have been calling for a rejection of revisionist history in home education and Dan Horn has more than answered the call with his excellent Discerning History DVD series that are sure to challenge many of your ideas about the so-called Civil War. If you are ready to engage the past from a distinctly Christian worldview, I highly recommend this eye-opening and non-apologetic portrait of the infamous John Brown and his attack on Harper’s Ferry.”
Joaquin Fernandez, 2012 Jubilee award-winning filmmaker, IndoctriNation

“While the DVD’s are targeted at adults and high school students, my seven year old son and five year old daughter have both enjoyed watching the episodes over and over.”
Charles C., homeschooling father

“Our family has been looking for good material that teaches the causes of the Civil War. These DVD’s were so helpful in our understanding of that time and our understanding of how we got to where we are today as a nation. We have thoroughly enjoyed learning from them. This DVD series has opened the door for us to look at the causes of [the Civil War] with a deeper understanding of all that surrounded it.”
L. Homeschooling Family

“I’ve never seen my son so excited about history. This resource does a great job of connecting ideas/religious beliefs to actions/consequences”
David K., father

“Discerning History does a great job showing how ideas truly do have consequences.”
Joshua K., student

“We are all a product of the culture that we live in. We suffer from the cultural bias that our public education imposed upon us, thereby giving us a distorted view of history. The Discerning History Series skillfully recalibrates our understanding of significant historical events. I have found this series to be an excellent addition to the homeschool curriculum for my family. ”
Al B., father of 10